Wednesday, June 01, 2016

May ~ So Much to Love About Spring (and other stuff)

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Fairy garden love

My daughter and I started a fairy garden several years ago. It's so fun to make it different each spring and fall.

Regular garden love

Love the bench my hubby brought home from his outing at Merchant Square in Chandler. :)

Mother's Day celebrations

Breakfast and shopping with my mom and sister.

Flowers and chocolate from my sweet kids.

Celebrating our 19th anniversary

Peach picking and peach cooking

Apple picking from my own trees

Son officially taller than dad

Oh, this dog!

Going to the dog park has become a regular part of our lives. We go several times a week. It's nice to have a place where Kylo can run and sniff and play without constantly being told "No!" for something or other.

For the most part, Kylo plays nice, but he's still so young and can be annoying at times. ;) Here, though, these 2 dogs are having bunches of good fun.

One thing I just don't get is when people bring their small dogs to the big/active dog side and then get upset because your big/active dog is acting like a big/active dog. Hmmmmm.

I dared to try the pool again, and this time it was a success! Kylo didn't drink gallons of water and played a little less crazy.

Poor thing just plain tuckered out on one of his longer walks with Shiloh and me. We let him rest for a bit, and I even tried carrying him. That boy's gotten heavy!!!

Goodness, the sweetness of this girl and her doggie make me melt. :)

Memorial Day weekend Sunday drive to Sedona

The drive was beautiful.

But there was lots of traffic!

So green and peaceful and lovely in this spot.

I know. A silly car selfie + a cute little photo bomber.

Kylo is such an awesome car rider, thank goodness. :)

When he wasn't sleeping, he was enjoying the car ride. The only times he was a bit difficult were when we had to take bathroom breaks or get food. We'd take turns staying in the jeep with him, but he'd still whine and try to pace a bit waiting for whoever was gone to get back.

Too bad we weren't able to hike any trails due to overcrowding and no parking. Memories: trying to find somewhere to eat our subway lunch and ending up in a Wal-greens parking lot; Venti frappuchinos + one puppuchino. ;)

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